Sunday 13 March 2011

DOSTI, dosti, etc! ;)

To my gene-i-us phrend,

It happens 2 few that FRIENDSHIP lasts so long.

It happens fewer that a FRIEND lasts so long for me.

IT happens less that ppl remember people all the time, but u do.

It happens even less that they remember them when not needed, but u did.

BUT for all those moments we shared, all those laughs we had and all those calls we wasted on 'nuthngness'..I have nothing to say but that I LOVE YOU!! I would rewind time:
-to watch u eat n appreciate my IDLIS!(no1 did like u did! :'()
-to redo the 10 min break-time wid u in skul!!
-to be classmates again!
-to sit beside/behind u!
-and etc

Then, I think about the 3 years past school and that how i don't feel far from your heart! I tell you girl, that feeling is terrific!:D :)

And then, when u somebody asks me...What kept our frndship going?

This could only be my answer. :)

point no.1- Ur stunning memory! NEver forget to remember me!:D GE(knee)US!!
point no.2- Ur patience to listen to my cnstnt blabbering!
point no.3-THE AIRTEL NETWORK! (WHreva, whneva, howevaa!)
....lets just cut it short!
point no.4- U
point no.4- Ummmm..U?
point no.5- Umm umm...U again!
point upmteen- It's again you!!
Phew!! That ws short!! :P Infact SHORT of words! :P :D

You've been a winner alwys! INFACT G-E-N-I-U-S as i rightly put! :P

It's been 2 many years and 2 much joy i've been owning a friend..oops a 'bestie' like u! Thanks for letting your heart on LEASE! ANd I hope i charge u up wid my love! EQUALS!

ON that note, I'd like to bring my 'textin' to a perfect end by dedicating this song to you..."Tera mujhse ka pehle ka naata hi nahi dil lubhaata koi...!" :D
JUst love to be STUCK wid yu!

Love you my dear 'single' best friend! BOING!;)

Ayana :)

1 comment:

Riddhika said...

I missssss your idlisssss :(. The most yummiest idlis!
I will never ever let you forget me. Mind it!
Inna rascala! :P ;)